When you’re looking for something nutritious and satisfying at the same time, hit the Champaign-Urbana salad trail.
Mom Review: The New Pekara Bakery & Bistro in Champaign
Chambanamom Emily stops by The New Pekara Bakery and Bistro with her family and gives us her review.
Pekara’s Second Champaign Location Opens
The popular Champaign restaurant will have a grand opening July 25 for its second location.
Restaurant Openings, Closings in Champaign-Urbana
Our regular updates on the restaurants that are coming (many) or going (fewer) in Champaign-Urbana.
Date Night and Beyond: Planning Surprises for your Partner in Champaign-Urbana
There are plenty of reasons to surprise your partner. The fun is in the planning…and then there’s more fun in the surprising!