The Friendship Grove Nature Playscape is a unique space unlike any other playground in Champaign or Urbana.
Visiting Champaign-Urbana Area Parks and Playgrounds with your Family
We break down your favorite parks and playgrounds in Champaign, Urbana and surrounding communities.
Best Sledding in Champaign-Urbana
Who says Champaign-Urbana is flat? We point out the top places to sled in Champaign County.
Find the Ultimate Outdoor Adventures with Kids in the Champaign-Urbana Area
We provide a comprehensive roundup of outdoor activities around Champaign-Urbana to fill your entire year.
Visiting Meadowbrook Park in Urbana with Your Family
Meadowbrook Park in Urbana has a little bit of everything and checks the major “boxes” parents are looking for when it comes to a place to spend time outdoors with family.