“I love my mom – but Mother’s Day is hard, really hard… and Hallmark doesn’t make a card to express these sentiments without hurting her feelings.”
Kid Won’t Go Potty? No Problem, Just Call Elmo!
New app allows parents to schedule calls to their kids about potty training, bedtime and more.
Chambana Moms To Know: Betsy Holder Bradley and Ginny Holder
In honor of Mother’s Day, today we bring you a pair of moms who also happen to be mother-daughter.
Being a Jew in C-U: Ode to the Jewish Mother
When I became a mother, I had to reconcile how I was going to handle that new label. I was going to be a Jewish mother, but not that kind of a Jewish mother.
Chambana Mom To Know: Rayne DeVivo
Rayne Devivo has already had a varied and enviable career in state government, and now she’s putting her hat in the ring for the Illinois Lt. Governor nomination. She’s also this week’s chambanamom to know!