Before my daughter’s first birthday photos were taken, I turned to local photographer for her expert advice on preparing your child for a photo shoot – whether it be with a professional, at the mall or in your own home.
Being a Jew in C-U: Happy Sylvester!?
Every year around this time, my husband and I get into a debate. He says: As Jews, we shouldn’t celebrate New Year’s. We’re hooting and hollering over changing the calendar which recognizes time in terms of the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ? I say: It’s totally secular. Tomato, Tomahto.
Being a Jew in C-U: My Miracles
in all sincerity, I have come to realize how significant Hanukah is to our family. Tomorrow night (Friday) is the last night of Hanukkah. But we will continue to celebrate our miracles all year long.
Teach The Children Well
How do we teach our children gratitude — or at least graciousness? When is it appropriate to expect such behavior out of them?