Get to know historical West Side Park in downtown Champaign. One tip: It’s gated!
Chambana Parks to Know: Spalding Skatepark
By Emily Harrington I want to learn how to skateboard! I’ll do anything to try out the gnarliness that is Spalding Skate Park in Champaign. Many of the locals I’ve talked to about the skatepark said the same thing, “I never knew there was a skatepark in town.” It’s a shame, too, because this park is […]
Chambana Parks to Know: Zahnd Park
You are probably familiar with Zahnd Park in Champaign if you have kids playing little league or youth football. If you don’t, this park may not be on your radar.
Champaign-Urbana Area Summer Programs for Older Kids
Summer programming for big kids? It’s out there.
Sneak Peek: the New Leonhard Recreation Center in Champaign
Are you curious to learn more about the newest recreation center in Champaign-Urbana? Check out the new Leonhard Recreation Center, brought to you by the Champaign Park District!