There are many great reasons to participate in a 5k this Spring – pick one!
Best Kept Secret: Champaign-Urbana Bed-and-Breakfasts
Whatever your reason for seeking overnight accommodations, there are options in Champaign-Urbana outside of traditional hotels/motels.
Grab Your Paddles! Go Canoeing with Kids in Champaign-Urbana
Ready to take your kids on a canoe in Champaign-Urbana and beyond? Bethany tests the waters with her boys, and gives us her review.
Surprise Stop Provides Great Afternoon at Children’s Museum in Decatur
The Children’s Museum of Illinois in Decatur doesn’t disappoint for an afternoon of impromptu indoor Central Illinois fun!
Readers Recommend: Favorite Hotels in Champaign-Urbana
Looking for a hotel to have family or friends stay at while visiting Champaign-Urbana? Let our readers give you their suggestions!