We’ve put together a list of special days when we know Indianapolis museums will be open to the public for FREE or very reduced cost in 2020.
What To Do At Moraine View State Recreation Area With Your Family
Located less than an hour away from Champaign-Urbana, Moraine View State Recreation Area provides a delightful outdoorsy destination for your family.
Chicago Bears Training Camp Returns to Bourbonnais
Love NFL football? Take the family to Chicago Bears training camp, as it returns to Bourbonnais, just 90 minutes from Champaign-Urbana. Best part: it’s free!
Frugal Family Fun: Get Wild and Head to the Saint Louis Zoo
Find a beautifully expansive (and FREE) zoo a short drive from Champaign-Urbana; time to take your family to the Saint Louis Zoo.
Exploring Music City: Road Trip to Nashville, Tennessee
Take your friends, take your kids or take the spouse—Nashville has something for everyone.