Champaign Unit 4 Schools provided more details Monday night about what distance learning will look like for its 10,000+ students.
Champaign Unit 4 Schools Announces Reopening Framework
Champaign Unit 4 Schools Superintendent Susan Zola on Wednesday revealed the system’s reopening plan, with most students beginning the school year on “a Distance Learning platform.”
Champaign-Urbana Area School Districts Announce Reopening Plans
Information about Champaign-Urbana area public schools reopening for the fall is rapidly evolving – we round up the various plans and updates. Check back often!
Champaign Unit 4 Schools Releases Fall Reopening Options
Champaign Unit 4 Schools on Friday afternoon released a tentative reopening plan for the 2020-21 school year that includes two options.
Urbana School District Releases Blended Instruction Plan for Fall Reopening
The Urbana School District released a statement in regards to reopening schools this fall, which indicates that all students K-12 will attend two days a week.