There are plenty of reasons to surprise your partner. The fun is in the planning…and then there’s more fun in the surprising!
Little Free Library Offers Neighborhood Book Exchange
You’ve probably seen them dotting neighborhoods in Champaign and Mahomet and mistaken them for a birdhouse or even a newspaper rack. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see these unique boxes are filled with books!
Urbana Middle School to Host the President’s Own United States Marine Band
The President’s Own United States Marine Corp Band is coming to Urbana Middle School in a Free concert. Request your tickets today!
Best Kept Secret: Geocaching in Urbana
Have you ever heard of “letterboxing”? What about the term “geocaching”? Think treasure or scavenger hunt with an educational twist.
Valentine Crafting: Creative & Easy Valentines Creations
Easy and creative ideas for getting crafty with your kids for Valentine’s Day.