Champaign-Urbana tutoring options to help your student and family succeed in school.
Mom Review: Lodgic Everyday Kitchen
Area families now have two new dining options at Lodgic Everyday Community, located on South Neil Street in Champaign.
Rejoice, Fans of Chick-fil-A: It’s Coming to Champaign
Chick-fil-A is coming back to Champaign-Urbana, this time on North Prospect Avenue.
Boy Scout Popcorn Time in Champaign-Urbana
Boy Scout popcorn sales are getting underway in Champaign-Urbana, and we have the info to help satisfy your crunchy craving.
Mom Review: CoreLife Eatery in Champaign
“If your kids eat healthy, and they are adventurous—bring them. If not, make CoreLife Eatery in Champaign a quick date spot.”