The last day of school is worth celebrating, no matter what grade you’re in. Check out our 13+ ideas for making this day special.
Duo from University of Illinois School of Music Is a Howling Success
Does your pet participate when you work from home? For one University of Illinois violinist, her collaboration with her dog made national TV.
Free Camps Prepare Champaign and Urbana Kindergarteners for School
If you have a child starting kindergarten this August in Champaign or Urbana schools, a free camp can prepare them for their first school experience.
Facebook Group a Great Resource for Champaign-Urbana Plant Enthusiasts
CU Plant People on Facebook is a group of like-minded folks who dig gardening and plants.
COVID-19 Vaccine for Ages 12-15 Available Beginning May 13
The COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12-15 will be available in Champaign County as soon as Thursday, May 13.