The newest water play area in Champaign — the Douglass Park splash pad — is a hit.
Mom to Mom: Enlisting in Potty Training Boot Camp aka the Three-Day Method
Chambanamom Emily tries out the Three-Day Method for potty training her son, or Potty Training Boot Camp, and gives us her review.
Mom Review: Sholem Aquatic Center in Champaign
Emily gives us her review of the Sholem Aquatic Center, a Champaign Park District summertime favorite.
Best Kept Secret: Kid-Approved Statues in Champaign-Urbana
Champaign-Urbana is full of statues that capture your kids’ eyes and imaginations.
Best Kept Secret: Glen C. Davies Murals in Champaign-Urbana
If you are a parent in Champaign-Urbana, you’ve likely been to a place that features his art. It’s big, it’s colorful, it’s happy and it’s hard to miss.