PLEASE NOTE: This event has already occurred.
Date(s) - 02/22/2025
6:00 pm
Atkins Tennis Center
The Fighting Illini Men’s Tennis team takes on Michigan at Atkins Tennis Center on Saturday, February 22nd at 6pm.
Reserved “Permit Only” and accessible parking is located in the paved lot on the south side of Atkins Tennis Center. Public parking is located in the grass area to the north of Atkins Tennis Center. In case of inclement weather please use the parking lots at the Richard T. Ubben Basketball Complex or the Bielfeldt Athletic Administration Building. Some events will have a nominal fee for parking.
Ticket Sales/Pass Gate Location
Events at Atkins Tennis Center are not a ticketed events with the exception of NCAA and Big Ten Championships and professional events.
Gate Opening Time
TBD prior to each event.
Seat Allocation
All seats are general admission.
Check out the full schedule here.
Please remember that events may be canceled or rescheduled last minute due to unpredictable weather or other factors. We encourage you to reach out to event organizers before heading out to an event to verify it is still happening.