A Champaign-Urbana expert offers her advice to parents seeking the best fit for their preschoolers
Sending your child to preschool can be a big transition for both you and your little one. That’s why finding the right fit is so important to make that transition as smooth as possible.
Here are some important areas all parents may want to consider throughout their search process, including first visits, class environments, schedules, communication and parent involvement.
Thank you to Courtney Warman, 4’s teacher/director of Cooperative Nursery School in Urbana, for offering her advice and tips!
Thanks to Cooperative Nursery School in Urbana for offering its expertise in presenting our How to Pick a Preschool article.
The Cooperative Nursery School is a nonprofit, nonsectarian preschool that is owned and operated by the parents of the students enrolled in the school. Its uniqueness lies in the coordination of efforts between the trained, professional teachers and the parents who assist in the classroom. Preschool classes are mornings for children ages 2-5, and potty training is not required for enrollment. Coop is one of the oldest schools in the Champaign-Urbana area, educating children since 1946. The school utilizes the Creative Curriculum (play to learn) and Conscious Discipline (which focuses on building relationships, identifying/expressing feelings, and building social/emotional skills).
Enrollment for new students began on March 15. Families may enroll online at: www.jovial.org/coopnursery/hello
For more information: Website, Facebook or email
Q: What should parents consider first when evaluating preschool options?
The family schedule should be a priority. The proximity to home, work, and school could be a deciding factor in what preschool you choose. Parents need to decide what type of program they are looking for in regard to what they want their children to learn. It is important to tour the preschool to see if you and your child feel comfortable there. It also gives you a chance to ask questions and engage with the staff members. Ideally, you want to tour a classroom when the teacher and children are present. One other important factor is cost. Find out if there are sibling discounts or other programs that the preschool utilizes that offer a reduction in tuition.
Q: What should parents look out for in regards to the classroom environment?
The classroom environment should be clean, safe, welcoming, and has well-defined learning centers. The childcare staff should be well-trained in early childhood pedagogy. Lower child to adult ratios are preferable. Children should be engaged in play and are free to make independent decisions during that time. Teachers should be supervising children and helping them as needed. Parents may also want to know if there is indoor space at the preschool for gross motor play during inclement weather.
Q: What advice would you give parents when it comes to preschool schedules?
There should be structure to the school day. Check to see if there is a visual daily schedule with pictures posted for the children at their eye level. Children thrive on a predictable routine. It helps them feel safe and confident at school.
Q: Do you have advice on selecting different types of preschool programs?
Choose a program that best fits your needs as a family as well as a program that is best for your child. Some families may choose schools based on their faith. Parents that want to be in the classroom with their child may choose a parent-cooperative preschool. Montessori is a good option for children who are independent learners. Parents should be able to invest in their chosen preschool’s philosophy and the curriculum that they offer. Play-based programs tend to be focused on child-led learning and help children develop strong social-emotional learning skills. The emotional intelligence skills that they gain from this will help prepare them for elementary school.
Q: What questions should parents ask about school communication and parent involvement?
Parents should ask questions about the type and frequency of communication used by the school and staff. Emails, newsletters, childcare apps, and social media are some of the ways that schools communicate. There should be at least one form of quick communication that can inform parents during a school emergency. Parents may also want to ask about parent-teacher conferences and how often they occur. Parents should be informed about how their child’s social, cognitive, and physical development is progressing. Parents should ask questions about ways they can get involved. Chaperoning a field trip, helping with classroom tasks, reading a book to the class, and participating in special school events are all wonderful ways to be involved. Some schools do require parents to complete volunteer hours during the school year. When in doubt, ask the director, the preschool teacher, or fellow school families for ways to get involved with the school. Parent involvement is a great way to establish and maintain a solid relationship with the school and its families.
Thank you once again to Courtney Warman, 4’s teacher/director at Cooperative Nursery School in Urbana, for offering her advice and tips. Check out the website at coopnursery.org and email coopnurserycu@gmail.com to schedule a tour today.
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