Looking for ways to celebrate Earth Day with your kids in Champaign-Urbana and surrounding communities? We have a list of events
We’ve got the dirt — pun intended — on some of the best environmentally friendly events in the community that are both fun and educational along with some suggestions for how you can show your love for the planet in your own backyard!
Earth Day is Monday, April 22. Festivities will be taking place all weekend long, according to our events calendar.
Earth Day Events in Champaign-Urbana
We’ve included the Earth Day-related events in chronological order. If you would like to add your organization’s event, please visit our calendar submission page.
No EventsCelebrate Earth Day at home
Go to one of the many local parks in the area and play! Make sure to bring some garbage bags and plastic gloves and, after playtime, have your kids help pick up any litter in the area.
Plant a tree, a bush, a flower, a seed — anything that allows your child to dig in the dirt and learn about living organisms. If you don’t have space outside at home to garden, sprout a bean seed in a cup or look into community gardening options.
If you don’t already recycle, set up recycling bins and explain to your kids why it’s so important to reduce, reuse, and recycle. For more on local recycling options, click here.
Watch The Lorax or the Disney movie, Earth. Turn out the lights and make a point to tell your family you are conserving electricity.
Grab the baby backpack and go for a family hike or enjoy a family-friendly walking path.