Free school supplies, backpacks, haircuts and health screenings — save money when heading back to school in Champaign-Urbana
School can be expensive — area organizations and businesses are here to help families with some school year needs
The list gets longer every year. Back-to-school haircuts, ever-growing school supply lists, fees to register kids at school, new shoes and so much more … this might be one of the most expensive times of year to be a parent. Thankfully we have area partners who are coming together to support Champaign-Urbana area families during the back-to-school season.
Check out our entire Back to School series, presented by Christie Clinic:
- Preparing for Illness During the School Year
- Ask the Doctor: A Guide to Packing Healthy School Lunches
- Back to School: 8 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed
- Helping Out at Your Child’s School
- Champaign-Urbana Area School Start Dates
- Save Money on Back to School in Champaign-Urbana: Free Supplies, Backpacks, Haircuts and Health Screenings
- Back to School: Dental, Vision Exams Required for Illinois Students
- Back to School: Immunizations Required for Illinois Students
- School Physicals: What’s Required for Illinois Students in 2024
Thank you to Christie Clinic for presenting our 2024 Champaign-Urbana Area Back to School series
Christie Clinic wants you to give your kids a healthy start to the school year. Parents can currently make back-to-school appointments for their children through their patient portal or by using online scheduling at
Please contact the department for evening or weekend school physical appointment availability.
Find more information about school physicals here.
Need school supplies? Many area organizations and churches conduct collection drives for backpacks and supplies (sometimes distributed together, sometimes separately). Occasionally these are distributed directly to the school, so if you have a hard time finding an event to register for, you may reach out directly to your child’s school and see if it has any provided donations available for this school year.
Editor’s note: is not a sponsor of the events listed below. All events have limited supplies or appointments available; please check with the organization or plan to go early to these events. We are not responsible for last-minute changes or updates to back-to-school events and activities listed in this post.
Events providing free school supplies, backpacks, haircuts or health screenings this year
3rd Annual Family Fun Day & Health Resource Fair
When: 07/27/2024, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: Public Health Office, 201 W. Kenyon Road, Champaign
Details: Community Health Partnership of Illinois (CHP) and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) are proud and excited to announce the 3rd Annual Community Back to School Family Fun Day and Health Fair for families and students in the community. Community Health Partnership & the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District offers school-age and sports physicals and immunizations for grade levels, pre-K, kindergarten, fifth grade, ninth grade, and children new to the district. The Community Back to School Family Fun Day and Health Fair is Saturday, July 27, 2024, from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm. The event address location is 201 W Kenyon…read more…
Back to School Bash hosted by Wayne Strong Foundation
When: 08/03/2024, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Back to School Bash, 105 N. Mattis Ave Suite J, Champaign
Details: Back to School Bash hosted by Wayne Strong Foundation. Join us for free school supplies, food, music, and fun! Free haircuts provided by A Cut Above the Rest Barber Academy
Back to School Giveaway | Champaign Unit 4 Students
When: 08/06/2024, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Where: Market Place Shopping Center, 2000 N. Neil St, Champaign
Details: Unit 4's Department of Family and Community Engagement is hosting a back to school supply giveaway at MarketPlace Mall on August 8th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., along with multiple partnering community agencies. Free school supplies for Champaign Unit 4 students, while supplies last. Students must be registered for school.
The Salvation Army School Supply Giveaway
When: 08/07/2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Where: Salvation Army, 2212 N Market St., Champaign
Details: The Salvation Army will be distributing backpacks full of school supplies on 8/7 & 8/8 from 10am-1pm. First come, first served while supplies last. Things you’ll need: 1. Parent/Guardian ID 2. Proof of guardianship for each child Who is eligible? Parents/Guardians of children enrolled in Champaign schools. Are you interested in donating supplies? Have questions about how to get supplies? Give them a call! 217-373-7832
The Salvation Army School Supply Giveaway
When: 08/08/2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Where: Salvation Army, 2212 N Market St., Champaign
Details: The Salvation Army will be distributing backpacks full of school supplies on 8/7 & 8/8 from 10am-1pm. First come, first served while supplies last. Things you’ll need: 1. Parent/Guardian ID 2. Proof of guardianship for each child Who is eligible? Parents/Guardians of children enrolled in Champaign schools. Are you interested in donating supplies? Have questions about how to get supplies? Give them a call! 217-373-7832
Promise Healthcare Family Fun Day & Back to School Fair
When: 08/09/2024, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: Promise Healthcare Rantoul, 424 Wabash Ave, Rantoul
Details: Back to School Health Fair Entertainment, Games, Give-aways, Food Trucks, Fun for the whole family! School/Sports Physicals Mental Health School Supplies Give-a-ways Over 30 vendors Dental Hygiene Education Fire & Police Departments Medicaid/Marketplace Enrollment Food Trucks Call 217-356-1558 to schedule a School Physical or Sports Physical during the fair or anytime this summer.
Where to donate
Looking for places to donate school supplies or other items related to back to school? We will be adding dates and specifics here soon.
Walmart Champaign, Savoy, Urbana and Rantoul: Walmart stores in Champaign County will host the annual Salvation Army back-to-school this August. Check here for details.
DREAAM, various locations: DREAAM (Driven to Reach Excellence and Academic Achievement for Males) is collecting 500 pairs of new shoes for kids in grades K-12. Shoes need to be donated by July 31 for distribution. Details here.
Stephens Family YMCA: The Y will be collecting backpacks and school supplies now – Aug 2. Their goal for the backpack & school supply drive is to ensure youth in underserved communities are prepared for back to school. If you are interested in donating, please consider dropping off new and unused backpacks to the Stephens YMCA during operating hours.
More tips on saving money when heading back to school
Inventory your home
Don’t be afraid to reuse school supplies from previous years. Reusing and recycling isn’t just environmentally friendly but also easier on the pocketbook. Gather up as many “school-approved” supplies around the house you can find and mark things off the list before you even get to the store. As one reader pointed out, “The new crayons are only new until the first time they are used!”
Hit up new shopping spots
Many of us head to the traditional big box stores like Walmart, Target, or Meijer to get our school supply shopping done, but don’t overlook some of the other options in town. Staples, Dollar Tree, CVS Pharmacy, Menards (earn rebates!), and even yard sales can be a great place to find good deals. We’re told by multiple sources The IDEA Store has a great inventory of very affordable school supplies.
Shop online
Shopping online is another good option since it’s easier to compare prices at different locations. Many of the stores, like Target, offer free curbside pick-up. Others swear by buying school supplies on Amazon.
Shop early and spread it out
Shopping early and buying a little bit at a time will help you spread out the cost. Some recommend shopping r-e-a-l-l-y early, as in buy-in-bulk the previous year when items go on clearance.
However, even if you wait until the last minute, don’t fret. Plenty of parents prefer to wait until school starts to see what their students actually need.
A kindergarten teacher recommends sending in individual supplies for students and then checking with teachers about sending in “communal” items such as tissues and wipes later in the year. It helps with storage in the classroom as well.
Keep an eye out for sales
Most stores will be offering their doorbuster sales so watch for those deals. If you’re willing to go to multiple stores, you can purchase the cheapest deal at each one. Don’t forget to take advantage of in-store coupons such as Mperks at Meijer or use the Target Circle app for extra discounts.
Stick to the list
It can be difficult, especially when you see those nostalgic Trapper Keepers or scented markers, but try to stick to the school list. Those cutesy extras can add up quick and in the end they’re just not necessary. Plus, as one reader (who is also a kindergarten teacher) pointed out, some brands just work better than others and that’s why they ask for them on the list. “I get that you want to buy your kid the sparkly pencils and not the boring yellow number 2s. But when those pencils constantly break and the child needs to sharpen it — (multiply that by) 24 kids and a teacher is fixing supplies and not teaching!”
Shop with a friend and split costs
When your child needs four glue sticks but can only find them in packages of 10, shopping with a friend and splitting the cost can really come in handy. Warehouses like Costco and Sam’s Club are great options for this.
Listen to advice
We asked our Facebook readers for their advice on back-to-school shopping. Here are some of their responses:
“You may want to ask around to see if anyone you know with older kids has leftover supplies they’d give you. For example, kids scissors tend to be outgrown before they wear out.”
“I understand it is hard but teachers don’t specify Crayola to be difficult. Good supplies help us assess your child. Certain crayons color better than others. Certain scissors cut better than others. If a child is struggling we don’t always know if it is their skill or the equipment. That’s why everyone having the same supplies is helpful.”
“I always keep the things that get sent home at the end of the year to use the following year. A new box of crayons is great but once they get used they aren’t new – so no need to waste what you already have!”
“As an elementary teacher I will say that’s it’s better to buy a small amount of high quality supplies than a large amount of poor quality supplies. If you can’t afford the wipes, tissue, sanitizer now then buy some later in the year when the teacher may be getting low.”
Have a free event or a distribution drive going on this summer to prepare for back to school?
We want to know about it! Submit your event here with the details.