By Laura Weisskopf Bleill

I have a confession to make. When our friends at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts told me that Laurie Berkner – one of my favorite children’s musicians – was coming to Champaign-Urbana and we could announce it, I was ecstatic. (In case you haven’t heard, Berkner – one of our country’s most talented and popular children’s artists- will be playing a Greatest Hits concert at Krannert Center on Saturday, Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. Don’t miss out! Tickets won’t last.)
When Berkner and I connected on the phone a few weeks ago, I had to warn her: FAN GIRL AHEAD. I’ve known of her since before I had kids, when I was just a doting aunt. Since then she’s become a superstar, appearing regularly on popular kids networks such as Sprout and Nick Jr. (television) and Kid’s Place Live (satellite radio) while racking up the hits.
In our interview, Berkner was everything I imagined her to be – genuine, funny, warm and gracious. While she’s played many times in the big city to our north, the native East Coaster has never been to Champaign-Urbana before. And she’s very excited to bring her music to a community that hasn’t had the opportunity to see her play live in person.
“My main goal is always the same: I just want everyone in that room to have fun through sharing music together (including myself),” she said.
Berkner made it clear: This isn’t a sit-on-your-hands-and-stay-quiet kind of concert. This is a shake-your-groove-thing-and-let-loose type of show. There are clapping parts and singing parts, and very few songs where there isn’t audience interaction.
And she has a message for families who have children with special needs – with whom she has a very significant relationship.
“No one has to come and sit quietly in their seat. I get kids from infants up to 10, 11. The show is fine for any one of them, even kids with special needs,” she said. “We try to keep it not too loud and there’s not a whole lot of flashing lights.”
Berkner just finished a new album – her first new music in eight years – but the Krannert Center show will focus on all the songs families have come to know over the years: Victor Vito, We are the Dinosaurs, Rocketship Run, Moon Moon Moon.
“Superhero” will be released Sept. 23, her 11th album.
“I feel really excited about these songs and bringing them into the catalog, and having people love them the same way they love Victor Vito and Under a Shady Tree,” she said.
Berkner didn’t flinch when I told her that of all the people in our family who were excited to see her, it was my tween who probably is the most familiar with her music. She remembers the tunes and isn’t yet too cool to admit it.
Berkner’s been around the children’s music scene long enough that her first fans are entering their teenage years. And she’s just fine with that — she completely embraces her “older” fans. She told me that when she first starting focusing on her youtube channel (Check it out, but WARNING: Addictive), it was the tweens and young teens that posted encouraging messages there for her.
“That they already have positive reminiscing feelings, it’s just the most satisfying and validating and wonderful feeling,” she said. “It’s the best thing about making art is when someone else is moved by it and they remember. It creates memories.”
We’re certainly looking forward to making new Laurie Berkner memories on Sept. 17.
What: The Laurie Berkner Band Greatest Hits Show
When: Saturday, Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. – Krannert Center, Urbana
How Much: $15 for adults; senior citizens $10; University of Illinois students $5; Youth tickets – High school students and younger, $5. Children under 1 are free, but must have a complimentary ticket.
Who Should Go: Berkner is best known for her connection with preschoolers, but kids up to 10-11 will enjoy this high energy, catchy fun show.
If you go: Berkner’s tip – bring an animal, preferably an animal that makes a sound most people know how to make. (Not a live animal. A stuffed animal.)