By Kelly Youngblood
Children across the world are eagerly counting down the days, hours and minutes until their favorite day of the year arrives. (“Only 10 sleeps left!” according to my kid’s calculations.) Christmas is almost here — can you believe it?
As the big day draws near, Santa Claus himself can barely hide his excitement. Despite his busy schedule, Santa was able to take a break from his daytime gig at Market Place Mall to answer some questions we had for him about his job, his family and what he loves most about Christmas.
So Santa, what are kids asking for this year?
“Little girls are really interested in the Frozen dolls still and from boys I’m getting a lot of requests for tractors, trucks and farm animals.”
What has been the most unique request you’ve gotten so far?
“Lava lamps — they’re from the 60’s! I also had one girl tell me she wants to spend more time with her mother.”
What’s your favorite cookie?
“I’ll tell you a secret of Santa. My favorite cookies are the round ones.”
Tell us about the Naughty and Nice List.
“I try to tell children when they come up and say, ‘Why don’t you know my name?,’ that the Nice List is miles and miles long. I can’t remember all of those names. The Naughty List is real short and I remember those names so if I know your name there’s a pretty good chance you’re on the Naughty List.”
What will you get for Mrs. Claus this year?
“She wants a new iPod, just like the elves gave me.”
Speaking of elves, what are they doing these days?
“The elves are working on their toys and playing tricks on me.”
Just how do you deliver presents to boys and girls across the world in only one night?
“You have to understand quantum physics; go talk to your science teachers and ask them about the time continuum and bending space. That’s how I do it.”
What is the true meaning of Christmas?
“There are two meanings of Christmas. There’s the Christian religion of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and then there’s (the tradition of) Santa Claus, which is charity, hope and giving.”
What is your favorite part about Christmas?
“Seeing all of the bright faces of everyone — children of all ages.”
What would you like to say to boys and girls reading this?
“Be good, listen to your parents, study hard in school and be kind!”
Thank you Santa! And Merry Christmas from Chambanamoms!