If you have Illini sports fans in your family, you don’t want to miss this.

The other day, my children received mail. SNAIL MAIL! They opened up their envelopes to find their very own Fighting Illini Kids Club cards.
It was better than a birthday.
For those who aren’t familiar, the Fighting Illini Kids Club is a great way for children in 8th grade and younger to get involved with University of Illinois sports. Being a member of the club offers families free admission for kids into women’s basketball and volleyball games (general admission); special ticket offers and freebies; and exclusive events or opportunities.
Here’s an example of a special offer — Kids Club members were given the opportunity to get a free ticket to the 2014 opening Illini football game against Youngstown State, as well as $10 tickets for their grownups and other family members. That means a family of five like mine – with three kids club members – could go to that game for $20. Hard to beat that deal for a college sporting event.
This club is:
– No strings attached. There is no minimum participation or anything like that. You decide how much you want to use your membership or be a part of the “club.”
– The membership card alone was very exciting for my kids!
– There’s also a free t-shirt, opportunities to be ball kids, and other stuff.
Want to join? Head over to the website to fill out your child’s information. And tell them chambanamoms.com sent you.
For more on how families can enjoy Fighting Illini sports, visit our Family-Friendly Guide to Illini Sports. Go Orange and Blue!