Well, the “Before I Die” wall is an international public art project created by a woman named Candy Chang in the wake of grieving for someone close to her who had passed away. It started with an abandoned house in New Orleans and has been replicated all over the world and in many languages, but all with the question: what would you do before you die? My friend Nancy Willamon approached me in May about this project and I knew this was something we had to do in our community. I involved a friend, Lisa Meid, and in a relatively short amount of time we obtained permissions, fulfilled the materials list, and on Wednesday, July 24, we went to work.
I knew this would be well received by our community and I knew that those of us involved in bringing it here would be gratified by it, but I wasn’t prepared for quite the level of curiosity, fascination, interaction, and compassion from everyone that has come with it. As we were painting people gathered, wondering what was happening. Before the stenciling was finished people were writing on it. Before it had been up an hour every open line had been filled. And it has been a constant source or discussion, phone pics, meeting destination, opportunity for reflection. Friends bring their kids to the wall to read and add their own goals. We have been repeatedly thanked for creating this, which says to me that Champaign was the perfect venue for this.
In asking them just now, the 11 and 8-year-old replied, “it’s cool.”
I took my kids to see it the day after it was done and they wrote their goals (the 4-year-old’s being “Before I die, I want to own my own windmill.”) I should also note that just to the North of the wall is the “Pocket Prairie”, a small parcel of land in the middle of the block with prairie grasses and a pathway throughout that’s open to the public and my kids enjoyed. Anyway, one of the things I liked about this project was that it’s open to the public and everyone and anyone-including children-can participate. And it opens up a dialogue with kids about the future and their goals.
I grew up in a creative family, my mother ran an apparel company out of our home growing up, she paints amazing watercolor portraits, builds built-in bookcases, and once created a replica of the White House garden entirely in candy, Oreos, and Peeps. So it’s hard to say whether it was in my blood to be an artist or whether I grew up with such a great example. I started at the U of I in the art program but I ended up with a degree in Advertising. It wasn’t until I had had my second child, in 2005, that I discovered photography. It was the perfect blend of art and people. In terms of staying motivated, there are always advances in the field-newer technology, better editing tools, more pixels, but really, it’s mostly just about my own work. Like most artists, I believe I am constantly improving and making strides, but believe that my best is still yet to come. I will always believe that my “favorite” shoot hasn’t happened yet. (Truth: they are all my favorite, I love my clients)
But, yeah, as always, we intend to be prepared for back to school, but we never are. We are not make-lunches-the-night-before kind of people. In terms of “managing the chaos” we pretty much just know the first week or two is going to be stressful. This year my oldest started middle school and locker combinations, gym clothes, and homeroom are a whole new chaos. We talk a lot of things out, we eat dinner as a family, and we hope we can stay above water until things calm down a bit.
There are so many parenting challenges, not the least of which is how do I get them to stop bickering in the car, remember to use manners when in someone else’s home, remind them to be humble but still proud of themselves, to try new foods, to fold laundry properly, to not bemoan their lives because oh my gosh mom, everyone else gets more sleepovers than I do and do you even love me at all???
And as always, finding the balance between being too hands-on, and letting them find their own way.
As a Champaign native I didn’t expect to also raise my own children here, but I know firsthand how great a place it is for families. Champaign has amazing parks and park district, our community is incredibly supportive of the arts, we have a thriving downtown, our kids go to great schools with awesome teachers, and we have both an amazing community college and university minutes away from our door that provide us with ample opportunities for diversity, activity, and education. My husband and I both have businesses here, we have family here, we have roots. No matter where our children end up I think that Champaign is a great springboard.
Joanna Strauss was nominated to be a Chambana mom to know. Do you know of a mom or dad who should be featured? Contact us today!