By Laura Weisskopf Bleill
It’s been a few weeks since the “Stuff People Say” trend reached its peak. (Which reminds me, we need to do a “Stuff People Say” in Champaign-Urbana. But I digress …)
I’m still surprised there wasn’t one that involved the absolutely astonding things that people say to pregnant women.
In the last few days, I’ve heard/been asked the following. Most of these comments were made by men, but not all. I’ve annotated each with my (somewhat tongue-in-cheek/snarky) thoughts.

1) When I’m going to “drop that kid.”
My thoughts: No, I don’t work in a rice paddy. And can we give up that image for once and for all, anyway?
2) If there are triplets in there.
My thoughts: Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve had more ultrasounds than 99 percent of typical pregnancies. No multiples here. Thanks for caring.
3) My wife had twins. You must have at least two in there!
My thoughts: Thanks for playing, but I’m guessing you have forgotten most of your wife’s pregnancy.
4) You know how that happens, right?
My thoughts: No, I forgot. In fact, we were trying for a puppy. But somehow ended up with a baby instead.
5) Have you thought about having another one?
My thoughts: Just like the Illini football team, we’re 3-and-out.
6) Are you disappointed you’re not having a boy?
My thoughts: Yes, only because it would have been a lot easier to pick a name. Um, really???
7) Is there a doctor here? You look like you’re ready to pop!
My thoughts: I watched 12 seasons of ER. No, I don’t need a doctor to deliver this baby. And by the way, do you know how long it takes to actually labor a baby?
8 ) Strange man I’ve never seen before walks up to me and touches my belly.
My thoughts: I’m speechless. For one of the few times in my life.
I could add some more, but I’ll let you guys do the rest. What were some of the things people said to you when you were pregnant? And how did you react? Inquiring minds want to know.
Laura Weisskopf Bleill is the co-founder and editor of You can reach her at laura@chambanamoms(dot)com.