Kelly Hill is one of those parents we all look up to. A committed member of the PTA, Hill has served on the Westview PTA Board since 2003 and helped transform it into one of the best of the area. A former college basketball player and coach, she has officiated women’s college basketball at all levels for 16 years. Since August 2010, she has employed at the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois as the Senior Membership Specialist responsible for Champaign, Urbana, Mahomet, and supervising Bloomington/Normal, Rantoul and Danville. She has two daughters; one is a sophomore at Centennial and the other is a fifth grader at Westview in Champaign.
See why we think Kelly Hill is a Chambana mom to know.
Q: You have been incredibly active with the Westview Elementary PTA, and made it into one of the best in the community. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

When my oldest daughter came to Westview in 2000, PTA was doing what most PTA’s were doing–sending home packets the first week of school to every family asking them to sell candles, wrapping paper, and chocolates (to purchase new desks and chairs for the entire school). After six years of being frustrated by the lack of participation we had in this activity, and the distaste parents were sharing in having to start the school year out “selling” non-essential stuff…, I knew we needed a new approach that met three main goals
1) An event that would engage and unify the school; teachers, families, community at the begining of the year.
2) An event that have educational outcomes for the students
3) An event that would help us raise money for important school programs: The Walk for Westview Event has “run” the first six weeks of school now for the last four years. Our themes have included health and wellness, Going Green, cultural and performing arts, and career Exploration. We have raised between $11,000 and $15,000 for the past four years of this event and over 12 smart boards/two iPads/ and several sound field systems that have been purchased for Westview classrooms/teachers! This fundraising has also allowed us to create affordable after-school programs for all kids including; Spanish, Jump Rope club, Drama Club, Martial Arts, Go Green to name a few.
Q: Why would you recommend that parents get involved in their children’s school’s PTA?
Students and schools cannot survive much less thrive without parent engagement. Getting to know your child’s teacher and their classmates is important and worthwhile. When you visit school, participate in school activities, and volunteer your time and talents —you make the most important investment you can for your child. When you view the school and staff as collaborators with your efforts, it is much easier to support and communicate with one another. PTA collaborations with teachers and staff bring adults together to make good decisions and share in the work of impacting children in a postive way!
Q: What advice would you have for parents whose children will be starting kindergarten next year?
Without a doubt, the most important thing to do as a kindergarten parent is attend every opportunity the school and PTA have to meet and engage your kindergartner and your family with the school. Come to Open House, new parent kindergarten meetings, PTA programs, reading night, math night, fun fest…etc. Every time you come, you will meet somone new, be reminded of something you might want to get involved in, and get more comfortable about being a parent at that school. There is a rich culture of events, meetings, activites at all schools that need parent engagement to grow. There is no need to wait, you can participate at whatever level or degree you are able. Every family situation is different, but there is no shortage of chances to find a way to be involved.
Q: What do you think your children have learned from all your community activism?
I hope they have seen that everyone can make a difference. When there was no Spanish program- we created one. When we needed more volunteers for our annual Fun Fest Carnival– we asked a different group and got 75! When we take a moment to assess of our talents, gifts,connections, or ideas, it’s amazing what we can come up with. People who feel committed and invested can and do make a difference. PTA is a vehicle to welcome parents to participate in their child’s school expereince. When PTA is welcoming, inclusive and empowering, it is an attractive place for parents and teachers to build a school community.
Q: As a former college athlete yourself, a women’s college basketball referee and mom of girls, do you have any thoughts on how we can nurture a love for athletics or physical activity in our daughters?
Play with your daughters just like you would your sons. Play games, use balls, rackets, jump ropes, take hikes/walks, bike rides, go to plays, concerts, museums and help kids see there are a lot of things they can do in life. Participate with them, don’t just sign them up and drop them off. Know who the coaches are and listen to what they say when they are coaching your kids. Are they positive, do they give instruction and show them how to do things? Do they understand what is age appropriate? Are they genuinely having fun with your kids, do they seem to enjoy coaching them or is it all about competition and winning. Kids who have fun while learning about a sport will want to come back next season to learn more and will enjoy the social aspects of team sports even more. Without focused fun, kids loose interest and become burned out by adult expectations.
Q: What are you looking forward to doing with your family this summer?
For most of the summer we will be here doing our favorite local activities, swimming, day camps, summer theatre, camping, and hitting our favorite treat spots: CocoMero, Jarlings and Custard Cup! Later in the summer we are planning a family vacation to the Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Colorado. I grew up in the west and have always wanted to take my family back to explore some of the beauty I enjoyed as a child. When August rolls around we be up to our ears in getting ready for another busy school year!
We’re featuring dads in the month of June in honor of Father’s Day. Nominate your favorite dad today!