Editor’s Note: Many thanks to the Libman Company for sponsoring today’s Chambana mom to know. Don’t forget to enter our Libman Company Spring Cleaning Kit giveaway!
Beth Koplinski is a teacher at the Champaign Unit 4 School District Booker T. Washington Elementary School (and she is very excited for the brand new S.T.E.M building that will be opening in August).In February of 2005, Beth was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon and liver cancer. Nine rounds of chemo and two surgeries later, Koplinski has been in remission for five and a half years. In that time, she completed a Master’s Degree from the University of Illinois and earned her reading endorsement. She and her husband Chuck live in Urbana with their three boys, ages 13, 10, and 6.

See why we think Beth Koplinski is a Chambana mom to know.
Q: Do teachers get to relax during spring break – and if so what was the highlight for you?
Yes, I actually did take some time to relax. This week was a much needed week off. I did work a little bit, but took most of my time to enjoy the week. I think the highlight of my week was watching reruns of That 70’s Show with my family all Sunday afternoon. Next to Modern Family, that is the one show that we can all sit down to watch and laugh at.
Q: Why did you choose to become a teacher and what do you enjoy about it?
I actually started out as a Hearing and Speech major. I had to go to an elementary school to do some service hours for a class and that is what changed my mind. When I was at the school during those hours, I felt that was a calling for me. I enjoyed being with the kids and when I looked at them, I knew that was where I needed to be.
I think the thing I enjoy the most about teaching is seeing how the kids change over the course of the year. Watching them come in at the beginning of the year and seeing how much they grow throughout the year is a terrific thing to watch. Kids are amazing.
Q: What is it like to be the mom of three boys, and you do have a girl pet to balance things out :-)?
Busy! There is never a dull moment. Our schedule stays pretty hectic with sports, band, homework, etc. We try to balance our time by having dinner together at night and making sure we do something together on the weekend. We go through lots of food! Some of the things they say and do are priceless! Being the mom of three boys has to be my greatest accomplishment and the most satisfying job ever.
Our dog is a girl. She’s a beagle and she’s my buddy. Even though she’s a girl, it doesn’t quite balance out, but I’d not trade my boys for anything.
Q: March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month. This is a cancer typically associated with adults over 50, who get screened for it regularly. You have been in remission from colon cancer for five years now (congrats!). What should younger people know about it?
Don’t dismiss any signs. Even if you are told “You are too young to have that” or “You don’t have a family history” don’t believe it, especially if you feel that something is not right. Continue to press your doctor, or see another one if you are not satisfied. You know what your body is saying, and you know when something is not right. This is not just a disease for people over 50. I was 32 when I was diagnosed, and at that point, my doctor said my siblings should be tested. At the time, my brother was 27 and had two pre-cancerous polyps that were found after my diagnosis. Anyone can get this disease.
Q: You were a mom with very young children when you received your diagnosis. Do you have any tips for others who find themselves in that situation?
One tip I would give, would be to know your limits. When I was diagnosed, my kids were 7, 4, and 5 months. I would do my best to live as normal as I could, but I had to learn to accept when I needed to stop. I wanted to do what they needed me to and what I wanted to, and I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to be just the way I always was, but I had to learn that I needed to slow down. In the long run, that would be the best for the boys and for my body. I had to get better so that I would be around to do all the things I loved and enjoyed doing with my family. They are my life.
Q: What was the best advice you received from your mom (or a mom-like figure) that you use today?
Be patient. (something that I’m not very good at many days!)
Beth Koplinski was nominated to be a Chambana mom to know – send your nominations in today! Thanks again to Libman Company for supporting chambanamoms.com.