Want to help the tornado victims in Central Illinois, and specifically right here in Champaign County? We have collected information right here! We will continue to add to this list, send information to editor@chambanamoms.com or post in the comments. Also, be sure to check out Gifford IL Tornado Recovery on Facebook.
Here is what we have gleaned:

Monetary donations are needed more than anything else at this point. Where to donate:
- Call the American Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS to donate and specify central Illinois tornadoes.
- Gifford State Bank has an account set up for Gifford Tornado Relief Fund – all three branches are open and accepting donations. If you want to stay out of the area, call 217-568-7311.
- United Way has created the Gifford Area Relief Fund. 100% of donations will be used to support local nonprofits providing disaster relief in the Champaign County area, including but not limited to the American Red Cross, the Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County, and the Salvation Army. The funds will be used both immediately and in the coming weeks and months to help the community rebuild and recover. Donations will also be accepted online beginning immediately at www.uwayhelps.org/Gifford – please note Gifford in the notes box.
- The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce has established a Business Emergency Relief Grant Program. It is taking tax-deductible donations through the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois to help support affected businesses. More information is available via the Chamber’s website.
- From the University of Illinois Employees Credit Union (UIECU): For every $10 donation you make to help the town of Gifford, you’ll receive a chance to win FRONT ROW FLOOR SEATS to see the Illini men’s basketball team take on Chicago State on 11/22 or Illini vs. IPFW on 11/29. And get this – for every dollar that is donated, UIECU will match that dollar up to $5,000! You can donate online at wqqb.com, in person here at the Q96 studios in Urbana, or at any UIECU location (5 points, 1st Street, or The Union on Campus). Sponsored by Q96 along with Fox/Atkins Development, the IHotel and Conference Center, and the University of Illinois Employees Credit Union (UIECU) as we help to support families in Gifford.
Want to participate in a fundraiser event or buy something to help out? Here are a few:
- Amara Yoga Thanksgiving Class: Please join us in giving thanks with a gentle yoga practice with Kathryn on Thanksgiving Day at 10 am. We will focus on cultivating gratitude for life’s blessings and offer our intentions for the comfort and well-being of those who may be struggling in some way this holiday season. All levels – beginners welcome. Cost: $12 drop-in (10-class pass = $99) n/c for Amara Members. All proceeds from this class will be donated to the Gifford Tornado Relief Fund.
- Pancake Breakfast at St. Joseph-Ogden High School, November 30 from Pack, Troop and Crew 40 Scouts with support from Masonic Lodges: St. Joseph Lodge 970, Ogden Lodge 754 and Homer Lodge 199 are sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast to benefit those who suffered in the recent tornado. This will be a freewill donation and all net proceeds will be put into The Gifford State Bank fund. 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
- Rebuild Illinois T-shirts: We’re selling Rebuild Illinois T-shirts with 100% of profits going to the American Red Cross and Salvation Army, earmarked for Illinois Tornado Relief. The shirts are available at booster.com/rebuildillinois and are only available through this Saturday, Nov. 30.
If you want to donate items, the following places are collecting them (see each individual site for details). PLEASE NOTE THAT CLOTHING IS NOT BEING REQUESTED AND OTHER ITEMS ARE IN HIGHER DEMAND.
– Donations of bottled water will also be accepted at United Way of Champaign County – 404 W Church St, Champaign: 8:30am-5:00pm M-F
– State Sen. Mike Frerichs, a Gifford native, is accepting donations at his two offices: “We are collecting clothing for kids and adults, coats, blankets, non-perishable food items, bottled water, baby items, toiletries, personal hygiene products, dog food, cat food, first aid supplies, over the counter medications, garbage bags, and plastic storage totes. You can drop off donations Monday through Friday at the following locations:
- Danville Office: (28 W. North Street, 1st Floor, Danville) from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m.
- Champaign Office: (45 E. University St., Suite 206, Champaign) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
– Please drop off aid items for Gifford at Grace Lutheran Church in Champaign: Blankets, towels, bar soap, toothpaste & toothbrushes, toilet paper, non-perishable foods, bottled water, disposable gloves & masks for clean-up crews. 313 South Prospect Avenue, Champaign, Illinois (near the corner of Springfield and Prospect).
– Bethany Park Christian Church in Rantoul. We would like to spread the word that the Clothing Center here (1401 E. Grove Ave. Rantoul, IL 61866) is open today for both donations, volunteers to sort and work AND clothing items (including shoes, underwear and coats) are available for anyone in need. (via Facebook)
Want to volunteer?
– Volunteers are needed to help sort deliveries and organize at the RANTOUL FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 200 S Century Blvd Rantoul, IL 61866. Phone: 217.892.2130
We will continue to add more here!