Hear that? That’s a deep cleansing breath.
In and out. In and out. In and out.
It’s amazing what oxygen does for you—and your mind, body and soul. Especially Frasier Fir scented-oxygen. Mmmmmm.
Right now I’m cuddled-up in bed in my red flannel sheets burning my favorite Frasier Fir candle.
I’m sipping hot cocoa and loving this day.
Actually–I’m loving all my days, these days.
The hubby and I have reached the end of our infertility road. We’ve tried all the drugs. We’ve tried all the procedures. We’ve tried all the different combinations of the two. And we’re still infertile. But we’re ok with that.
There’s one more trick up my doctor’s sleeve and we’re putting all my eggs in that basket.
We’ve decided to try the mother of all infertility treatments—in vitro fertilization. But not until January. January seems like light-years away. And that’s the best part.
I have a month to relax—to heal. To mourn our loss and all our failed cycles. I haven’t really really done that yet. It’s time.
I want a clean-slate for the New Year. I want a healthy mind and body for our New Year procedure.
December is for healing. It’s time to feed my soul.
I’m healing myself–and my soul–the best way I know how—by wrapping myself in a big, warm blanket of my favorite things.
Deep breaths. Flannel sheets and PJs. Cozy slippers. Hot cocoa and Grandma’s Spritz cookies. Frasier Fir candles. A crackling fireplace and a glass of good red wine. Comfort food and family and friends and laughter—and sparkly Christmas lights flickering in every corner of my house.
These are a few of my favorite things. And they’re working their magic on this girl and her soul this December.
What are your favorite things? Tell me all about them. And while you’re at it–tell me all your IVF stories too. I can’t wait to read them tonight sipping a glass of vino by the fire.